Decolonizing science

A process that aims to move scientific practices towards a fair, equitable, inclusive and ethical research. This involves recognizing that colonialism has played a vast role in shaping the way scientific research is conducted, particularly in conservation and field biology. Historically, colonialism has played a significant role in benefiting the development of science in the Global North, largely based on unequal access to resources. In practice, decolonizing science requires supporting non-exploitative science based on equitable partnerships where all parties have a say in, and benefit from, the work being done.

SPUN is primarily interested in working to decolonize science in practice through collaborative non-extractive research, fieldwork, and data analysis. Non-extractive means, for example; wherever possible we do not remove samples, or knowledge, from the country.  Additionally, non-extractive means that we focus on creating local capacity so processes can be implemented on-site, reducing dependency on Global North or developed countries. Our partners are encouraged to use the data for further research and publications. And that we partner with local scientists and community members who, in fact, know more about their systems than we do, and are in a better position to develop research questions. Where needed, we will work to introduce new forms of technology.

SPUN is working to decolonize science on several levels: A.) by co-constructing research projects with local researchers that focus on answering locally relevant questions. B.) by assisting with access to resources such as workshops, and so facilitating participation and voice in global dialogues (conferences, publications, participation in research agendas and dialogue.) C.) through funding - to promote access to scientific budgets for more equitable distribution and hence opportunities. D.) Through the creation and promotion of a scientific peer network.

’Colonized’ science is problematic because it perpetuates hegemonies, consolidates exploitative knowledge, and prioritises ‘Global North science’ over local knowledge. Science, at its best and most effective, should be an inclusive and collaborative effort.